Team up and fight bipolar, depression, BPD and anxiety.
UP! Buddy is the partner app of the UP! mood diary for individuals with mental health issues. Get to know the early warning signs and the mood triggers of your loved one even better. Learn to differentiate between normal and pathological mood swings, avoid interpersonal conflicts and provide help if really needed. Please note that UP! and UP! Buddy are two different apps.
Getting started:
1. Download UP! Buddy
2. Generate a pairing code by using the entry "Buddies" within the UP! menu. Usually an UP! user invites a relative, friend or other confidants to participate by sending a pairing code
3. Enter the pairing code during the setup process of UP! Buddy
4. Done, the data will be synched periodically
• Mood calendar and mood chart view.
• Mood triggers: Sleep, work, physical- and social activity.
• Early warning signs of hypomania, mania and depression: A list of today’s and past observed warning signs as well as a description of all known warning signs.
The UP! user decides which category of diary entries is shared and is in control of the remote connection.
The buddy approach also helps to avoid overprotective behavior and supports the self-protection of care givers.
Only those who are and remain healthy can help.
Team up by using UP! and UP! Buddy.
If your loved one in need does not use UP! yet, recommend it and connect.
UP! is successfully used by individuals by people
• to keep track of bipolar I, bipolar 2 and cyclothymia.
• with rapid cycling bipolar.
• with mixed episodes.
• as depression journal when struggling with recurrent depression.
• with anxiety attacks and panic attacks.
• with borderline personality disorder (BPD).
• undergoing a burnout syndrome.
Take care and download now!
Your feedback matters to us! We need it to constantly improve the app.
Troubles, questions, suggestions, commendations and criticism - tell us:
UP!好友是 UP!心情日记的合作伙伴应用有精神健康问题的人。更好地了解您所爱的人的预警信号和情绪触发。学会区分正常和病理性情绪波动,避免人际冲突,并在确实需要时提供帮助。请注意, UP!和 UP!好友是两个不同的应用。
1.下载 UP!好友
2.通过使用 UP!中的“好友”条目来生成配对代码。菜单。通常, UP!用户邀请亲戚,朋友或其他知己参加发送配对码
3.在 UP!的设置过程中输入配对代码!好友
通过使用 UP!和 UP来组队!好友。
如果您所需要的亲人没有使用 UP!,请推荐并连接。
人们成功地使用了 UP!